Do you feel that you can’t reduce the pain during periods? Try this one food.

A rough estimate is that periods usually occur every 28 days. Periods occur at intervals of 21 to 35 days. If it occurs before 21 days or after 35 days, then it belongs to irregular periods. Similarly, intervals between periods of more than 9 days are irregular periods. That is, one period occurs after 29 days and the next period occurs after 37 days.

even though the next period occurs after 29 days, it belongs to irregular periods. Later, if there is excessive bleeding during periods, i.e. two or three sanitary napkins are needed within an hour, but there is too much fatigue, too much abdominal pain, dizziness, etc., it can be classified as irregular periods.

Small changes are normal. Stress is a major cause of irregular periods. Periods are likely to become regular due to thyroid and hormonal changes. The first thing people who have irregular periods should do is yoga to reduce stress. Maintain the weight the same. Follow healthy diets. We can reverse irregular periods with simple home remedies.

Boiled ginger is better than ginger tea. Similarly, boiling cinnamon water and drinking it as a tea can help reduce excessive bleeding during periods. Drinking fenugreek water can help reduce period cramps and pain during periods. Consuming jaggery and water can help reduce muscle cramps. Incorporating black sesame flat seeds, papaya papaya, can help reduce problems related to periods. Watch the video below to know more.