Can people with kidney problems drink water? Be aware of these things

35% of people in our society have diabetes. About the same number of people have high blood pressure. About 50% of people are suffering from obesity. Patients with these three causes are likely to develop kidney problems later. This is because so much of what we eat today is not a balanced diet proposition.

A balanced diet proposal should be 50% carbohydrates, 25% protein, 25% fiber. People with kidney problems do not show any symptoms initially. And fatigue is the symptom seen at the start of this. Another symptom is loss of appetite and feeling full when eating less of any food. Symptoms include nausea and vomiting.

People with kidney related problems may experience low level of hemoglobin in the blood. The same causes low oxygen levels in the blood, which is why many people feel tired. A change in the color of urine, swelling in many parts, becoming more dry, itching, etc. are symptoms of kidney failure. If you have these symptoms for people with BP cholesterol, you should have a kidney test to make sure that there are no kidney related problems. There are minor changes in the balanced diet proposal mentioned earlier.

People with kidney problems should consume only half the amount of carbohydrates that a normal person should consume. A normal person should consume about one gram of protein per kilogram. But for kidney related problems consume protein at the rate of 0.8 grams per kg. Reduce animal protein intake. It is important to drink plenty of water. Watch the video below for more information.