Do you have arm or leg twitching in your sleep? Not getting proper sleep? This is the reason

Fibromyalgia is an increasingly common disease today. Symptoms of fibromyalgia include inability to concentrate properly and memory loss. Chronic aches and pains that feel like they’re coming from the bones, joint pain, fatigue, sleepiness, and lack of enthusiasm are all signs of fibromyalgia. Now especially post covid it is seen more and more.

If it looks like this after more than three months, if there is pain on both sides of the body, then below the waist and above, it is likely to be fibromyalgia. Along with this, stomach related problems like IBS, problems like migraines, joint pain in the upper chin and chin area, and excessive depression mood swings are caused as a part of this.

With this, the problem does not occur after sleep. Similarly, there is a burning pain during sleep and it occurs because of not getting proper sleep. There is no definitive treatment for fibromyalgia. Let’s adopt a lifestyle that does not stress our body and mind. Do the exercise for half an hour to an hour which is a moderator that can relax all our joins well.

Do this regularly or every other day. Stretching or doing a little bit of stretching is good. More useful are things like yoga. Do things like meditation and yoga. Better sleep can help you with fibromyalgia than medicine. It is better to lie upright on a good bed or with a thick sheet spread on the bed. It is better not to sleep in the type of beds that go back to where we lie. Watch the video below to learn more.