Do you have onions at home Gray hair can be blackened

We choose many ways to turn gray hair black. We try hair oils and dyes, but we can blacken our hair by using the onion skins that we don’t need at home. This way is definitely very useful. Since no chemicals are added, we do not experience any side effects from using it. Many of the products we use cause other damage to our hair.

Different from all this, this is a very easy way to blacken your hair. All you need is to take some onion skins and fry them in a pan. It is to be taken. Onion skin can be taken according to need. After putting the powdered onion in a bowl, add one teaspoon of oil powder to it and add one teaspoon of gooseberry powder to it.

When it is in the form of paste, we have to apply it on all parts of the hair. After mixing it well, we can apply it on the hair. A good change can be seen after using it once or twice. After mixing it well, we can apply it on the hair. The benefits of onion are many, not only can the hair become gray and black.

but it can also be used to prevent and grow hair well. This is a dye that can be used on hair, mustache and beard. It can be washed off with water after applying it. It is very effective for those who have gray hair problem. Choose this method to turn gray hair to black. To know more, just watch the video below.