If you don’t know this when refrigerating food, you’ll get sick.

Today most of the people use fridge. Foods that we use to eat and cooked food are used in the refrigerator. Keeping food in the fridge will keep it from spoiling. But there is another side to this. If we cook a food, within two to three hours, bacteria start forming in it. What we think is that if we refrigerate this food, all those bacteria are killed. But this is a wrong way of thinking. Refrigerating does not kill all the bacteria, it just inactivates it. Then when we take the food out of it it starts working again.

And its number is increasing in it. We often have the habit of cooking food for several days and keeping it in the fridge, taking it out every day and putting it back in the fridge. This is very dangerous. Because when you take food out of the fridge, it reactivates and the number increases. Again when it is placed in the fridge it goes into an inactive state. When the same food is taken out again, the bacteria multiply. This is the main reason for many of the problems we are seeing with viruses now.

Many people have the habit of keeping food like this for two or three days or more. Bike like this should be avoided as much as possible. Otherwise, if the food is to be stored for two days, keep it in one container for one day and another container for the other. By doing this, there is no need to keep the food that was taken out in the fridge again. Also it is better not to eat fruits and vegetables in the fridge. It loses its nutrients. Watch the video below for more detailed information.