If you know this, you will never get kidney disease

Kidney related problems are increasing now. Diabetics, obesity and high blood pressure are more likely to develop kidney disease. The main cause of kidney disease is our diet. Our diet should consist of 50% carbohydrates, 25% protein and 25% fiber. In the first stage of kidney disease, there are no special symptoms.

However, there are some symptoms. , loss of appetite, feeling of fullness after eating little food, pain from lower abdomen, backache, change in color of urine, body fat with or without redness. People with kidney disease should cut their carbohydrate intake in half as well as their protein intake.

While a normal 50 kg person should consume 50 grams of protein, a person with kidney disease should consume only 35 to 40 grams of protein. Equally important is the amount of fat that needs to be reduced. A normal person can eat 50 grams of fat, but a person with kidney disease should eat only 25 grams, or half. drinking The most important thing about food is drinking water. Similarly, avoid the habit of eating late at night. Cook and eat vegetables. It is better to avoid drinking water.

If you eat fruit, make sure to cook it. Be careful to eat fruits like oranges in moderation. Reduce the amount of salt. Another important thing to take care of afterwards is sleep. Should sleep well. Make sure to sleep for at least eight hours. We can prevent disease by making small changes in our lifestyle by paying attention to things like that. Watch the video below to know more.