Symptoms of Diabetes

It is well known that diabetes is a lifestyle disease that affects many people today. Sugar or diabetes is a condition where the level of glucose in our blood increases. It is said that this glucose is the energy required by our body, but diabetes is a condition in which glucose is not converted into glycogen and accumulates in the blood as glucose.

Excess glucose is stored in the body in a different form. Insulin is the hormone that helps in this. It is said that diabetes occurs when the amount of insulin decreases. This is type one diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is diabetes that occurs when the cells are not ready to convert the excess glucose and accept it because there is insulin but type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms include excessive hunger, excessive thirst, excessive urination, or sudden weight loss, blurred vision, dry mouth, erectile dysfunction, and rashes. Heredity is the primary cause of diabetes. Excessive alcohol consumption also causes diabetes. Another reason is related to lifestyle changes in our diet and other things.

Eating a lot of rice food contains more glucose, so those who eat food with a higher glycemic index are more likely to develop diabetes. Therefore, if you bring a good type plan, you can see a good change within a month. Include fruits in your diet but avoid fruits that are high in sugar. Do exercise. Watch the video below to learn more.